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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Clash of the Titans

Movie: Clash of the Titans (1981)

Okay, let me start off by saying that I am in no way,shape, or form a fan of most Sci-Fi (especially cheesy, 80s Sci-Fi) which makes it a miracle that I made it through this entire movie without falling asleep. However, part of this process is to expose ourselves to movies/genres that we may not have otherwise watched. That being said, my review should be taken with a grain of salt. It was good for what it was and overall I was actually impressed with how much I did not completely hate this movie :)

What I Liked About This Movie:
- I have had a long time interest in mythology and it was interesting to see certain aspects of that played out.

- The wardrobe was impressive, especially for it to be 1981.

- The movie had a little of everything. Action, humor, romance, revenge,Adventure, etc. It had something for everybody.

- This will be on both my "like" and my "dislike" list....the special effects were so bad that they were HILARIOUS :) However, I tried to put myself back into 1981 and for that time period the special effects were actually VERY good!

- Every creature in the movie brought something new and different to the table....None of the creatures even resembled one another in their movements or behavior. So I loved the creative aspect shown in that....

What I Disliked About This Movie:

- As I said, this would be in both my "like" and "dislike" section.....The special effects were VERY bad lol....I realize that at the time they were probably pretty amazing and believable. However, I have been spoiled by modern technology and therefore found the effects to be laughable. This was bad and hurt my experience with the storyline because a serious scene would come up where there was a fight with a creature that looked like it came out of a box of Cracker Jacks and instead of having the reaction of "Oh no! I hope he kills him! He's so scary!" (which is I'm sure what the director would have wanted)...I instead had the reaction of "omgosh! That's HILARIOUS! haha!". It was campy but in the best way....It wasn't really meant to be, it just became that way....which is kind of a shame because like I said before, the creatures were all pretty amazing and creative even for that time period.

- Their manner of speaking in this movie made it hard to follow the storyline at times.

- The acting was actually really great in this movie....but there were times when some of the actors were WAAAYY over-acting :/ It added to the cheese factor.

Something That I Found To Be Interesting:

The movie was rated PG, however, MAYBE 6 minutes into it, there was full on boobage-BAM!- Right in your face.....And right after that it showed a totally naked lady walking down a beach. It was just interesting to see how our rating system has changed through the years! That would NEVER be rated PG now....

- I did not LOVE this movie but I will give it 2 out of 5 hearts and that is only because of the effects & acting <3 <3

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