Movie: Mortal Thoughts (1991)
Starring: Demi Moore, Bruce Willis, & Harvey Keitel
Given the fact that I have been mislead by the summary of the last few movies that I have watched, I was skeptical about this one. I was drawn to it initially because of the cast. I had never seen Demi and Bruce in a movie together that I can remember so I was interested to see how they played off of each other on film. While I began watching the film with reservations, I am happy to report that I LOVED IT!!!! :)
In Mortal Thoughts, Cynthia (Moore), goes to the police to report what she knows about her best friend's abusive husband's (Willis) murder. Cynthia watches as her own life begins to fall apart as she sits down with police to remember that fateful night...The tagline says it best: "Murder is a secret that should never be shared..."
What I Didn't Like About This Movie:
- There really was not that much that I disliked about Mortal Thoughts....the main thing would be that some scenes went on a little longer than maybe was necessary but it wasn't excessive. My interest was still kept. I watched this movie during a marathon and it was 3/4 of the way through when I started to feel hungry....but I REFUSED to stop the movie to get anything to eat!! lol It definitely kept my attention throughout!
What I Liked About This Movie:
- It was well written! FINALLY! After watching a handful of duds in back to back it was great to finally see a movie that was well thought out!
- The acting was amazing!!! Bruce and Demi together do not disappoint!
- I liked that during the beginning credits of the movie they use old home videos/photos to establish that Cynthia and her friend have been friends since they were babies rather than have a longer, more drawn out beginning in order to let us know their history. It saved so much time!!
- I wanted to mention Bruce specifically....He had to play a character that was VERY violent towards women and while he is an amazing actor I would feel that for any decent man that role would be a stretch and would have to be very hard to wrap your mind around. I applaud his performance as one of the best low lifes I have seen in a movie in awhile! Bravo! :)
- I always love Harvey Keitel as an investigator :)
- As I mentioned before, the movie went along at a great pace....I couldn't stop watching it for a second and I was happy to see that it included twists and some very shocking outcomes!!!
- The ending was NOT what I expected....but it was interesting....I still don't know how I feel about it....but I didn't hate it :)
I had never heard of this movie before I saw it listed on Netflix....It is a movie that I could see myself watching again. I give it 4.5 out of 5 hearts! :)
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