Movie: The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1992)
Starring: Annabella Sciorra, Rebecca De Mornay,& Matt McCoy
When this movie came out, I was ten years old. I remember being so jealous that my older sister could watch it and I couldn't. Overall, it was worth the wait :)
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle deals with a psycho nanny out to get her revenge on the woman who has ruined her life. I dont know what it is about psycho nanny movies but they pull me in every time. This one was no exception.
What I Liked About This Movie:
- The script was well written and kept my attention. I was not left feeling bored rather I was left wanting to know what was going to happen next.
- This movie made me appreciate technology moreso than I have in a long time. There are several times throughout the movie when someone DESPERATELY needs to get a hold of someone else and if they can't get a hold of them at work or at home then they are pretty much screwed and have to just sit and wait it out. Also, an important document is lost that had there been a computer to save it on, this would not have happened. A death in the movie actually could have been easily prevented had a cell phone/text messaging been available, for crying out loud!! Plus, there's no internet to just hop onto to do extensive research on your nanny....Frustrating but I was glad for the reminder of how lucky we are nowadays :)
- This movie is timeless...it's something that I enjoyed watching today as much as I probably wouldve enjoyed watching it when it first came out (had I been old enough to really "get it" ;)
- The only guy on Designing Women is in this movie....it's the only other thing that I've ever seen him on and he did a great job! :)
- The "creepy" factor is pretty high in places in this movie....and actually, this movie is pretty believable. I could see this happening in real life.
- I've never been a huge Julianne Moore fan, however, she plays a great role in this film as Claire (the mom's) best friend! I love her attitude! :)
- They did follow-ups/fill-ins on characters who had gone away....I always like this in a film. It seems odd to me when in some movies characters will all of a sudden just be gone and you never hear another word about them.
- The characters were well developed in this film. And actually at times I felt myself feeling very sorry for Peyton (the nanny), even if she was a total psycho. She's had a rough time :/
- **SPOILER ALERT** Claire punches Peyton in the face in one scene OUT OF FRIGGING NO WHERE!!! and it's the best thing I've ever seen in my whole life! HAHA WOW!!! I've never seen somebody fly that far across a room just from being punched in the face.....IT.WAS.AWEESSOMMMMEEE!!!! :D
- The ending is pretty hardcore and amazing. I wouldn't have changed anything about it! :)
What I Didn't Like About This Movie:
- Too many boobs. Sorry. They're just everywhere. Between all of the breast feeding and breast exams I was completely boobed out by the end of this movie.
- I wished that more people had figured out who Peyton really was and had been murdered....I know that sounds horrible!!! lol....but I mean, if you're going to have a movie about a psycho, go big or go home.
- Okay, this got me.....Claire literally just met Peyton out in the street and invites her into her home. Within just a few minutes she is alone with the baby and within a day she has moved into the house. I dunno, that's just almost like asking for it :/
Unexpected Surprise:
- So while I was watching this movie, the couples oldest child (Emma) who is about six in the movie kept looking more and more familiar to me. I IMDB'd her name (Madeline Zima)and realized that she is in one of my more recent favorite movies A Cinderella Story, starring Hilary Duff. I always think that its neat to run across an actor that you like in a movie that they were in when they were small :)
Overall the storyline was great and well thought out. It kept my attention, I just wish that more people had been killed and that there were some more psycho moments :)It wouldve made things a little more intersting...Not bad, though... I give it a 4 out of 5 hearts.
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