Movie: Jason Goes to Hell (1993)
Starring: Kane Hodder
I am a huge fan of the Jason movies, however, I am also a firm believer in that every good thing must come to an end....and this series should have ended before this movie was ever made....it dragged out for so long that you come to expect the same things in each movie, and that's exactly what you get. In this Jason movie we learn the secret to how Jason is able to seemingly live forever.....it's interesting but after the first little bit I was ready for this one to end.
What I Liked About This Movie:
- There were some "OMGOSH! NO WAY!" moments as far as just being sick and twisted....other than that, though, the movie was no that interesting.
- Some of the effects were very well done and the makeup was great overall...
What I Didn't Like About This Movie:
- It was shot in Lifetime movie format....you may or may not know what I am talking about.....but when the movie first came on I really felt like I was watching Lifetime with the cheesy low budget opening credits.
- The idea was good but it dragged on forever leaving me bored and wanting it to be over.
- Way, WAAYY too predictable.
- You hardly ever actually see Jason in this movie....I understand why....but still it's annoying and takes away from the whole "Jason experience"....
- The whole movie dragged on but the ending especially seemed to go on FOR AN ETERNITY!!!
- Overall this movie was horrible....aside from one scene and a couple of "No way!" moments, I hated all of it. I give it 1 out of 5 hearts <3
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