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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Full Metal Jacket

Movie: Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Starring: Matthew Modine, Adam Baldwin, Vincent D'Onofrio, & R.Lee Ermey

Let me start off by saying that I am not a fan of most war movies so I was not sure how I was going to feel about this one. However, this movie does not really focus on the "war" part. Instead it focuses more on the characters themselves and how they interact with each other and personal challenges and changes that they face throughout the war.

Full Metal Jacket follows a young man, known to his friends as Joker, from his very beginning day of training in the Marine Corp and up through Vietnam. The movie is split up into two segments: the first segment follows Joker, another soldier called Pyle, and others as they are put under the harsh training of Sgt.Hartman (played by R.Lee Ermey). The second part covers Joker as he is sent into the war as a correspondent. You see how Joker himself changes from beginning to end based on his experiences.

What I Did Not Like About This Movie:

- Some of the slurs in this movie are really bad, however, I realize that they are relevant to the times of when the movie was suppose to be set. Just be warned that this movie may be offensive to some viewers :)

What I Liked About This Movie:

- I liked that this movie had a little bit of everything....It was funny in parts, sad in had action, drama, everything that makes a movie GREAT! It covered all the bases! :)

- I LOVED the character development in this movie!!! It was the best that I've seen yet! The movie specifically follows Joker's development throughout but I also really thought it was interesting to see how Pyle was effected by his surroundings and how he changed.

- There was one scene in particular that was a turning point for Joker that was very dark. I just loved how it was shot (no pun intended). There was also another darker scene that I would consider a turning point for Joker that was dark....i loved the blue lighting used in that scene and the music....just very creepy....

- R.Lee Ermey is HILARIOUS as Sgt Hartman!!! He did such an amazing job but I don't know if that's to say that he's an amazing actor since playing this role was not a far cry at all from what he does in real life. Either way, though, I loved him in this movie!! I thought he did a great job! :)

- I loved the relationships between all of the guys....and Animal Mother was my fav soldier! :) This guy was outta control but in the best, most entertaining way possible!

I give this movie a 4 out of 5 stars. Certain aspects of it were a bit too violent for me but it's a war movie so that is to be expected! Overall, though, the storyline is great, the character developement is amazing, and it has something for everybody :) Not bad at all....

<3 <3 <3 <3

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